Sunday, March 1, 2015


Prom. Does this 4-letter word strike something in your thinking cap? Either you suddenly remembered that oopsie-loopsie moment of accidentally stepping at your gown, that all-night party with booming beats that made everybody go feral or that unforgettably majestic dance with the guy you've been crushing since God-knows-when. Prom is just just composed of inexplicable madness, isn't it?

Since I was a kid, watching those movies with magical prom moments make me grow envious. When am I gonna experience it? Maybe one year... 2 years... or 3 years from that moment. And now, watching how fast the time flies, here it is. Finally, that much-awaited and most sought-after night of highschoolers came.

But the night prior to that is filled with jitters and worries. I grew conscious with my look, am I gonna stand out? Is my crush gonna notice me? Am I gonna garner any accolade? OVERTHINKING almost detonated my mind. When we were fitting the gown, there was no trace of excite on my face. It shows nothing but a worried, poker face. It'll be my first prom ever tomorrow. Geez. I barely had a sleep that night.

Presenting, Mickey's epic worried face. Lol.

February 27, 2015. When I woke up that morning, I felt neutral. Seems like nothing epic is impending to happen later night. I was filled with negativity and all. Then hours whizzed like a blur. We already went to the salon to prep up. Damn, it took us 3 hours for my hair and make-up to be all-set! While I was on the way, my friends are already bombarding me with calls and messages since the entourage is about to start. We just had our new car and the fate got us stuck on a traffic jam! What a flop! When we got at Roxas Boulevard, we're clueless where Diamond Hotel is! Yeah. It was indeed a series of bummers all packed in one night. Albeit the aforementioned unfortunate events, we made it. We're just on time! Thanks, God. I was welcomed with my classmates looking so stunning with their ballgowns, mermaid gowns, Tuxedos, Suits and suchlike. But of course, my attention was majorly caught by one guy. He carried that suit so damn well and my heart kinda giggled at the thought. Good thing my photo-junkie Mom was there to take some shots with my fellows. Veering away from the kilig-thingy, (Haha) The entourage has started and I did my best to strike a certain impression to the judges. My smile was plastered all over my face until the cotillion presentation of us. I have to win. has become my mantra for that night.

Thereupon, the announcement of winners came. Here are the following awards: Lady Star of the Night & Gentleman of the Night, Mr. and Ms. Junior, Mr. and Ms. Senior, Best in Gown and Suit, Prom King & Queen and our school had an additional award courtesy of Ysa soap, Mr. and Ms. Ysa. I won't be a hypocrite to say that I didn't expect, I really did. But then if it's not for you, it's not for you and there might be reason behind it. Yep, you got it right. I didn't win any of the awards. But it's fine! I told myself that it's fine. I forced myself to be fine. I'm still the purple crowned princess after all. HAHAHA.  At the very least, my crush won. He totally deserved it.

Right after that, there goes the most essential part of the prom: Lights-off-and-nothing-but-some-disco-lights-Party! As if on cue, Uptown Funk played and everybody rose from their seats and jammed on! My senses have gone uncontrollable since groovy music is one of my weakness. Everybody (except for the wallflowers) did their own versions of dance and totally lost themselves to the dancefloor! Since partying all night is a part of my YOLO-bucketlist, i left all my wallflower tendencies behind and grooved with the peeps regardless how long my gown is. Ahh this is highschool life. My mind said. This is definitely what I'm wishing for a highschool life to be. Such a pristine moment for me.

After the booming beats and loud music, the songs suddenly shifted to those slow, romantic ones. I returned to my seat and let all those couples invade the dance floor. Single life rules and sucks at the same time. Haha. But then again, a thought suddenly boggled my mind: Mickey, you paid 3K for this hotel, you ought to enjoy it! I rose up from my feet and asked my gal pal to dance with even if it's a slow dance. Then a guy approached me a dance and another and another. It was such an amazing experience to have a talk with them while dancing to a romantic music. Of course, i had an incredible dance with my crush! T'was actually the longest one I had. We talked about certain topics while his face is quite close to mind. Dammnnn feeelsss. It's inevitable for a smile not to creep my face every time I think of that. If only I can pause that moment. Right exactly there. I would. But since I don't have a magical remote to do that, his friend suddenly dragged him away from me and exchanged partner with me. Owwwwkay? Dude. You had a great timing. Lol

The party was the highlight of the prom for me. Indeed, unexpected moments are the best. My prior thoughts before that night were nothing but bits of negativity. Just a good thing, I didn't let my defeat ruin that special night. Nice job there for me.
"Prom night has become the best for me. It is the quintessence of indelible events of a high school night."

PS: My crush sent me a message right after that oh-so-magical night. (Hihihi) :">

Purple Kisses and teddy-bear hugs, 


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