Monday, May 2, 2016

Getting Up Little by Little

Hello from the other sideee! Mickey G here. This status quo post is basically my answer to those, "How are you?" questions I get a lot so far from my friends. I guess they are reading some of my previous posts here and figured out that I'm not alright. Well, folks. I have already started coping up with my situation. Maybe the PST (Positive self-talk) quickened up the process. As what the title suggests, I'm getting up now little by little. 

Last April 28 was my first time get my feet at DCLC (Dr. Carlos Lanting College) which is my soon-to-be school for Senior high. I was with my Mom that time and we immediately proceeded to the enrollment. One thing I could say? I lurrrveee the facilities. It's not actually a prestigious school for elites but their facilities and maintenance are pretty decent compared to my former school. They do have an elevator and even though the school isn't as colossal as a university, the rooms are great because they are airconditioned. TBH, I find it big deal nowadays because I find it difficult to digest the lessons if my environment isn't well-ventilated; the sweltering heat serves as a distraction for me. 

When I took the exam, AHHH SABAW ALL THE WAY! it has been a long time since I faced a test questionnaire and I hate because when I got home and managed to remember some of my answers then checked if they're correct via internet, damn honey, this just became my initial reaction: 

Seriously, I kinda messed it up. I have forgotten the basics! I wanna whack my head off that moment. I guess vacations really stultifies me especially when I basically do nothing ever since graduation except to surf the net and to run... out of money. (Would you mind laughing to that joke? Ahright. Thank you.) Anyway,PST is always efficacious when it comes to battling self-consciousness and overthinking. 

Therefore, I relinquished a deep sigh and convinced myself, "That's okay girl. Maybe it just proves that there's still a lot for you to know." And yeah, that means hooray-cray-cray more vacancies for my rooms for improvement. 

I am really stoked with what course of events and opportunities I'll have once the new school year starts. I don't have an ample amount of idea how senior high curriculum shall go since we are the first batch to experience that fresh educational program in this country. But no matter what is in store for me, either be terrible or awesome, one thing remains constant: I'll show everyone who really am I and I'll keep slaying. Goodluck to myself and to my batchmates! 

PS: Here are examples of a PST cheat sheet in case somebody wants to have an attitude makeover. 

A positive thought a day, shoves all the bad vibes away!

Spreading purple hugs and kisses, 

Keep in touch! 


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