Saturday, April 18, 2015

My Love for Quen

(c) The Mile Long Bookshelf

If I'll say that I'm crazypants inlove with someone whose name is well-known throughout the country, I'll probably be considered as delusional. The people would slap me with the impossibility of us. No matter how much I scream my love for him, all of my efforts and attempt to reach out will end up futile. It's all because Of all the human beings I can fall in love with, I fell with someone atypical.
Nope, he's not an alien. He's still normal as you and I. A guy complete with two eyes, nose, lips, and essential human body parts, but only peppered with extra gorgeousness. For me, he's flawless. I mean, how can he just stand there and make all the girls swoon and drool as he passes by? Unfortunately, I'm one of those million girls he has victimized with his scorching hot damce moves and looks. Is he infused with hypnotic powers I can't resist? I mean, he's everything you can ask for. You'll often see him on screen paired with different species of girls yet he can effortlessly strike a match with them. His versatility is a bomb. I wonder how I can be one of those lucky personalities who can talk and touch him everyday. Call me a desperate *beach* but I can feel a twinge of jealousy with his assistants, makeup artists, stylists, managers, and even to his siblings! How lucky are they to interact with him normally like he's not a guy to die for. I know, my fangirl thoughts are getting overrated but I just can't prevent myself from feeling this way. I freaking love him.
 I know, I'm just a 15-year old nobody compared to that 23-year old ubiquitous hot guy. We're a great example of heaven and earth. I'm far cry from being his new girl  in lieu to the ff reasons: First, Age. 15, 22. Self-explanatory. Second, Distant status. He's got a million persons who know his name while I only have a few. Third, We have only met once... and it was nothing spectacular. The barricade ruined all my overflowing feels and I haven't even had a chance to take a shot with him. IT WAS JUST NOTHING BUT A PICTURE OF HIM FROM AFAR. Just plainly unacceptable. Fourth, Overflowing impossibility. No matter how much I brag to my friends that someday I'll make 'Gil' my echt surname. It just can't be. I'm very much aware to that fact. I'm invisible and everyone knows who he is. I'm just this wide-eyed girl who's been pining after him. What can I boast to those pioneering leading ladies who get to work with him? I'm just a scratch compared to them. Unknown. Mediocre. Invisible.
                                Pretty much like this goat. :(

Quen, I know you're that guy I can just love from afar without getting anything in return. If it's hard for me to reciprocate someone else's feelings, how much more with you? Our worlds are definitely way too distant from each other. I'll just inexorably hope that we will cross ways someday. That once in my life your spotlight will be dimmed for me and blend with my not-so-bright light. I love you. This is beyond pathetic, I know. But I just do.
And that will never change. I love you, Quen. Not just because you're the Enrique Gil that most of the people know. But because you just happened to be the guy who made a big hit on my hypothalamus.

Purple kisses and hugs,


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